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how to change layout size?
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Hii everyone can anyone has a idea of how to change layout size(not a canvas size) in run time like when I press a dedicated button then layout size increases.

posted 5 years ago
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MAP + BATTLE mods = Single or Multiple Layouts ?
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I'm prototyping turn based idea for the first time, so I thought to ask how to approach it before I go further in development. So in general the game will be se...

posted 5 years ago
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Query on Rain Effect
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Could you please let's know how we can make rain effect through the whole layout? We can achieve using parallax (0,0) for that we have to trade the scrolling ef...

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Error: already loaded texture
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I'm building a Facebook Instant Game, and when it goes to a specific Layout this error will show and the game freezes. I don't thinks is Facebook related though...

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Why doesn't work the exit game and the restart layout?
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I tried that way:Mouse->On Left button Clicked on Exit Text-> Browser Close. It doesn't work, if I click then nothing happens. Restart layout: I tried that way:...

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Layout Keeps Duplicating - BUG?
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Hope you can help. When right clicking in editor to create a new layout, it keeps duplicating one of my existing layouts. Any changes made to this (I tried to d...

posted 5 years ago
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This is a bit tricky for me to explain but I would like to rotate my camera (Layout) around the playable character, instead of center of the screen. Would that...

posted 5 years ago
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How to make a button appear at the "Main Menu Layout" if the player collides with the checkpoint (or any object) in "Stage 1 Layout". Why I need this? I don't w...

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[SOLVED] How do I efficiently change levels?
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What's an efficient way to change levels? In my game I plan to have 100 levels. So far I have designed 22 levels. Before the player goes to the next level, they...

posted 5 years ago
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I am trying to sync a global variable in multiplayer game using photon plugin where when the global variable changes from the host, it shows this to every other...

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