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How do I make a 8 direction game with jump?
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I am coding a game like the old zelda and I get stuck on one thing: In the game I would like my character to jump when he is at the top of a cliff for example t...

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How do I jump upon landing (platformer)
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I would like for my character to jump upon landing or very shortly after landing if the human player pushes and holds down the jump key but not releasing and ha...

posted 2 years ago
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I want to implement into my game different jump animations for the player character using the sine behaviour. I've created two different animations, but I don't...

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Change platformer jump height separately
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I'm testing out a POC, and I want my platformer character to jump at a certain speed. Right now, she looks like she's levitating instead of jumping like a norma...

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How to make tiles Jump Thru?
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So this seems to be a very basic question & I know that you can set the tiles Jump thru by just adding Jump Thru behavior to it. I did the same wherein I create...

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How do I transition animations of the player?
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When the player is jumping, I put an animation called "Jump_Up", with the event condition "platform is jumping"; Then, I put an animation when the player is fal...

  • 5 replies
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Any help here would be great, this player will have about 8 animations, what's the best way to create some sort of state machine. What's the best logic to use b...

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I need to make a jump of 8 directions
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I'm making a game in which I need to make a jump of 8 directions (I leave example images) could someone help me? Thanks <3. Something like that, let's say that...

posted 2 years ago
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Jump Buffering for a Platform game.
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Does anyone know how to create a reliable "jump buffering" for a platform game?

posted 2 years ago
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How do I get this bullet behavior jump code to work?
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Making a spider enemy that jump toward to player using a bullet behavior but I can't seem to get it to work.