Content tagged json

JSON is a language-independent data format. It was derived from JavaScript.

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How do I communicate with a RESTful api?
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So, I'm trying to get values from the public pokemon api: I'm using the ajax object with the request action but nothing happens. Also, is there a way of reading...

posted 3 years ago
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Ajax weird behavior with multiple layouts.
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I have a strange behavior / not sure if it's a bug. So I first create a single layout with an array. Array is fed from the Json file (since I have a paid accoun...

posted 3 years ago
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I have a question and I can't solve it with Google searches. I want to load all items from a file.Json to a list, but I don't know which command to give, I can...

posted 3 years ago
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I'm trying to implement a trivia game that should consist of a question and 3 different answers. This information would be extracted from a JSON. I currently kn...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I convert strings into a JSON?
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So I am trying to create this ordering system. Let's say I have 4 textboxes; Sender, description, ID and recipient. The first and last one are a random string o...

posted 3 years ago
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Request project file using expression (Solved)
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I have a situation where I have 100s of JSON files in my project file folder and I want any one to be called on by name and loaded into a single array when need...

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How do I Make Something Like Super Mario Maker?
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Well, actually my problem os that I want to take the user's map (TMX - Tilemap -> .Json) and make a publish, went mal published others players can download it o...

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JSON Array Question
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How do I integrate my JSON table with Google sheet? If I edit anything to my Google sheet I want the JSON array to reflect the changes real-time or on the start...

posted 3 years ago
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Executing JS script in seperate layout
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I asked this in Discord but did not get an answer. How can I execute a jsON script on seperate layout (and not first layout only), the MAIN script just executes...

posted 3 years ago
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Using the most up to date version of C3 Stable (r234.2) and it seems the ol' worker issue with Ajax is back (albeit way less frequently than before). The proble...

posted 3 years ago

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