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How do I pick random instance inside function?
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On main event I create many instances of same object. I need a Function that will pick a random instance of that object and do something with it. If I just use...

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How do I call functions with parameters?
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I found a nice Match 3 tutorial that uses Functions. It was written for C2 but I figured it should be applicable to C3. Aaaand I got stuck when it came to funct...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I find more 50/50 chances? (some examples shown)
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I wanted to run a function 50% of the time, so I was able to do this: Tickcount % 2 = 0. I was also able to use: Unixtime % 2 = 0. Are there other things that I...

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Should I switch back to the old function system?
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The old function system was more rudimentary but in some ways a lot more flexible. I used to take full advantage of the fact that you could call a function will...

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[FUNCTION] What is the problem with this fuction?
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Since I'm a designer and not a programmer, I'm often lost in programming logic (even in Construct!). With the help of some users here, I was able to implement a...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I enable a deprecated plugin?
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So I have a big problem. I have a project that I need to export using C2 runtime. But it uses new function blocks. Is there a way to enable the deprecated funct...

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I'm currently out of nerves for thise one. After testing this out the whole day today, I finally managed to find the problem, but I have no clue why it even hap...

posted 4 years ago
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I have a question about Function
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In the Actions only x position is changed, So instead of repeating all actions I created a function and put all actions there with parameter "pos" to change x p...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I create a simple universal damage system?
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Right now, I have damage for an entity set up like this: Obviously setting something like this up for the many enemy types planned would be awful on my part, so...

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I have a PlayerDeath function that I call when my Player object hits a spike or falls off the screen (out of layer bounds). Inside the PlayerDeath function is a...

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