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For-Each Loops and Instance Variables
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Anyone have a capx or suggestion on how to migrate through a text item with multiple instance variables? Basically what I need to do is compare a Text item (wit...

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I am trying to make a unique random number picker for a project. The issue I seem to be having is that the loops I created to carry out this process only seem t...

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How do I stop animations of objects out of the frame ?
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I'm trying to stop the animation of instances of objects as soon as they aren't on screen. So, I made this event : (I wrote the translation on this screenshot '...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I set text to add 1 using a for loop?
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I'm adding some voucher codes into my game and I need each code to be different. To do this I know I would need to use a for loop or for each but I've never use...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I numerically sort an array?
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An array creates a number of X elements and gets them filled with different numerical values. I'm trying to set up a for-each loop that compares the current val...

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How do I find nested loopindex inside "For Each"?
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I understand that in a regular "For" one can use loopindex("name_of_the_loop"), but what if it is a "For Each" which has no name?

posted 3 years ago
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How do I spawn object one by one from each family?
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I have a problem with 'for each' command. When I use 'for each (ordered)' all of my unit spawn blue object simultaneously/ at same time. I want to spawn a blue...

posted 2 years ago
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How can we navigate through object arrays?
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If possible, ask for the source. Thanks.

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How do I get for each to work?
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I have an object that moves right and then left. It all works fine, but then I instantiate 2 more of thos in the scene and my code runs the same code through a...

posted 2 years ago
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How can I list the class names?
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I know that I had this kind of structure working before. But I'm kind of unconcentrated right now and I just can't get it to work. What I'm trying to do is just...

posted 2 years ago

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