Blog Posts tagged construct3

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159 blog posts with this tag
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Artwork is progressing! (Slowly)
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So we’re going to carry on in a similar vein to last week – I’m gonna talk a bit about artwork. I finally got into gear and started creating more assets for the...

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It’s Friday, which on its own is a good thing, but when you’ve also finished another test project for a game mechanic (that actually works) it’s even better! On...

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Bringing speech to the speechless
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Another week, another game dev quest embarked upon! Given that a lot of things in this game will rely on displaying text in some form or another, I figured it w...

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It’s good to take breaks now and again
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Better late then never right? Sorry, today’s blog post is delayed because reasons. Anyway, nothing too exciting to report - still working on a dialogue system,...

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Construct 3 free for Ludum Dare 45
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Ludum Dare is a worldwide game jam where games are made from scratch in a weekend. This weekend ( October 4th-7th ) is Ludum Dare 45, and we're excited to make...

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Construct 3 on the Raspberry Pi 4
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We've previously blogged about the Raspberry Pi 2 , as well as the Asus Tinker Board , another single-board computer. This time around I took a look at the late...

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Announcing Timeline animations in Construct 3
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We've been working hard on a major new Construct 3 feature for some time: Timeline animations! You may have seen us mention it previously, or even tried it out...

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So how are we getting on?
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Blimey, things have been manic this week. It's full steam ahead at Scirra HQ as we're preparing for a big education exhibition next week and there's a lot to ge...

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An update of miniature proportions
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Just a little update from me this week! I've been busy most of the week doing an education exhibition - talking about how Construct 3 can be used in the classro...

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Blog Post
Comments, comments everywhere!
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Things have been rather manic for me recently, so, until Tuesday, it'd actually been quite a while since I'd done any work on my game. This meant that a large c...