Content tagged animation

Animation is a method in which pictures are manipulated to appear as moving images.

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Animation is not acting as Expected?
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Man....this is really hurting my head. I have come back to this problem off and on for months and everytime it just not make any sense why it Is'nt working. I h...

posted 5 years ago
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Help with multiplayer animation?
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After lots of tries I did not succeed and did not understand why the peer dont get the message for change animation.

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Small but annoying animation problem
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I'm making a game where I want the enemy characters to do a short animation when the player gets a new high score before resetting to their default animations....

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How do I make this animation play?
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These are my screenshots, I am trying to get it to go to the title when the game starts, and it does, but the animation for sprite six will not play. Can someon...

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I often resize sprites in the animation editor to make them smaller and be about the size I use in my game. But recently while using the last beta builds it see...

posted 4 years ago
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I have a sprite that is a two frame animation. But when I load in the image using "Load Image From...", it only replaces the first frame. Can someone tell me ho...

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Animation "DIE" not work
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Why isn't the death animation working? Aa animations of walking, running, jumping work normally, but death doesn't ! I do so for example : If the player collide...

posted 4 years ago
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Touch Control Sprite Animation Query
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Is there a way to get a sprite to play an animation after it has been rotated 360 degrees (using "on hold over object")? Thanks in advance.

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Here's what's had us so busy for a while now. Link to our Kickstarter. We're excited about all the creative possibilities and power this will open up for Constr...

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Small animation issue
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I've run into a small but annoying animation issue while play testing a nearly finished game. On getting a certain score the player sprite's projectile sprites...