The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hey everyone!

    Just insane how much this app has changed soooo so much.

    I've come back as I now have a bit more time to tinker with Construct. I've been poking around the site the past half hour or so and I'm losing my mind.

    It's good to be back. So many shiny things.


  • Hi,

    I am Tathagata. I'm now presently working in a Game Monetization Company called PubScale. Looking forward to connect and discuss game monetization and marketing related issues with all the amazing people here

  • Hi,

    I am Tathagata. I'm now presently working in a Game Monetization Company called PubScale. Looking forward to connect and discuss game monetization and marketing related issues with all the amazing people here

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Glad you're aboard! Let's get acquainted here's my author page ...

  • Nice to meet you! Hope you enjoyed your stay so far. By the way, enjoy the weekend, yay! =)

  • Howdy all!

    I'm Punky, a 20-year veteran professional Javascript programmer (for boring business applications) who has been making games as a hobby for just about as long. I've tried just about every gaming engine imaginable, but have gravitated here to Construct because my young daughter took an interest in game development with me so I needed to find an engine that was approachable (and the fact that it is Javascript-based is handy for me. :D ). She designed her first game at 4 years old and we made it in Gamemaker and officially released it as an Android game (Farty Party Unicorns). She was thrilled! And now that she is 9 we are hoping to doing something more robust. I hope to keep her attention on this hobby and encourage her interest in tech and computer science.

  • Hello!

    I'm Pigpud and have been a member for about a year now. (Just found this topic :P...) I had no experience with coding or game development, but heard of C3 as a great introduction to the coding world. After messing around with it a bit I started developing a small game, which over the course of learning to code, has quickly grown into a full project.

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