Construct 2 (r267) closes itself randomly.

From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    Oh ok just asking if it was happening in previous builds.

    It doesn't happened before


    Oh ok just asking if it was happening in previous builds.

    > It doesn't happened before


    Thanks XD

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    I was about to open a new topic, but it seems I'm not the only one.

    I just tried to copy paste an action and BOOM a crash. It's not my PC, I've been using C2 on this PC for years just fine.

    This must be fixed immediately. One can't work like this, constantly being at risk of losing your work, very frustrating.

    It happened to me two times before this crash and it's just unacceptable.

    It ran fine on Windows 8.1 or at least that's what I think. Because I believe it might be related to Windows 10, which I upgraded to a few weeks ago.

    In the meanwhile, there will be a lot of saving and saving different versions of my .capx..

    Please note as I mentioned this thread is about r267, but the latest release is r269 and includes changes aimed at fixing this problem. If you don't mention which specific release you are using, it's not clear which it is, which basically makes it impossible to use your feedback. Every single report needs to include full details so we can begin to correlate where and when the issue occurs. Since I already mentioned this to no avail, and a separate thread has already been posted for r269 with more information, I'm now closing this thread - please post there instead and please do your best to provide the requested information otherwise we won't get anywhere.

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