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Long white screen in my apk?
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Every project I compile gets a white screen for a long time on all my mobile devices. What can be happening? Is it some compiler bug? Or am I doing something wr...

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Mobile performance and optimizations tips
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So I just released an Android game, which is far from done to be fully share and made aware of. But since early development, I've been hitting on some (fairly l...

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How do I get IAP to work on Android?
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I have an app out now that uses the mobileIAP function. It is out on iOS, and works like a charm, people can buy the product. However it just won't work on Andr...

posted 5 years ago
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I'm making a Tinder-like interface for my game, with fixed-size boxes for character descriptions. I wrote them short and to the point so they'd fit my boxes nic...

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Learn to make games -mobile application (Made with C3)
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I just managed to get my "Learn to make games" -mobile application to open beta for Android. The application is made with C3 and it's my very first "official" r...

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I am working on a multiplayer game, using the official multiplayer plugin. The game is supposed to be played in a local gaming environment with a laptop as the...

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How do I enable old exporting options?
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Recently I updated from R257 of C2 to R266. I noticed that a few export options were unavailable, and wanted to know if there was some way of re-enabling old ex...

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Started doing some testing today using remote preview. I noticed that if I try to preview on my Android device I get a black screen if 'use worker' is enabled i...

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How do I find out the platform I'm running on?
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The "Instant games" plugin has an "Is available" condition to check if we run on Instant Games. How can I find out that I'm running in NW.Js / Browser / Mobile?...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I use Xbox Live with an android game?
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I know you have to use xbox live with xbox or UWP Windows, but according to here xbox live can be used on Android and iOS (this is most definitely possible idk...

posted 5 years ago

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