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How do I make the player wrap only in horizontal?
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How do I make the player wrap only in horizontal?

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Right now, I want to make an enemy follow a player where ever he goes. Like if the player tries to run away from the enemy. The enemy will follow him. Can anyon...

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I don't understand the UserMedia object. I'm trying to create a function whereby I can record audio and save it on a mobile device, or even send it to a cloud s...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I create if and else-if statements??
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I have a spaceship that moves left and right, but IF I press left key, it plays left animation ELSE IF I press right key, it plays right animation ELSE play idl...

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How do I make a walking physics ragdoll?
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^ title.

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How do I delete my account?
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I though Construct would be a different experience, and would like to no longer like to have my account. Is there any way I can get rid of my email? I haven't f...

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How do I .., "Make my player character (platformer) decrease/increase its gravity for a particular amount of time? Say,I want to make the Gravity of my PlayerCh...

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How to specify a object copy by its instance variable?
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So I'm making a monster follow the player around but when an object Is'nt in line of sight, they move to it, its been working but when the monster goes back to...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I make this
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I really just want to know how I would go about this I'm making a survival game that is top down and I want randomly generated worlds how'd I go about this I tr...

posted 3 years ago
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How to open app with value
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Hey, I'm new here, Can anyone tell me how can I open my game with start value if I want to open my game by another app so can I?

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