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iPhone HTML app - Fullscreen
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Is there still no way to full screening an HTML app with iPhone. Maybe some Javascript workaround?

posted 2 years ago
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Is there any way to include a fullscreen option on a HTML 5 export? I want to include it specially for people who access the site on a mobile device, it'll make...

posted 2 years ago
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Controlling Fullscreen/Windowed modes on NW.js exports?
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I've been using the Browser object to initiate in and out of fullscreen mode, but when exported to NW.Js, the game always starts in fullscreen and won't toggle...

posted 1 years ago
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I have a function to request full screen with a tap, click, and button, which works and plays the game full screen. However, if someone is on a mobile device an...

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How do I Make (Fullscreen: Off) be centralized?
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There's anyway I can get to make the option (Fullscreen: Off) be centralized? I Don't think this is what I am looking for, but I think if this have a solution I...

posted 1 years ago
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Annoying Layout Issue. How do I fix?
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Hey everyone, I've had this layout issue for a while now and ignored it, but now my game is finished and I want to fix it because it gives a slightly negative f...

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Memory issue using fullscreen mode since last update
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I have recently updated Construct 3 to his latest version and my game is now completly slow when I launch it. I discovered in the debug mode that the memory usa...

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Integer Scale Outer Workaround?
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So I've always wished that there was an integer scale outer option for the fullscreen mode. I think I might have figured out a simple work-around. The purpose i...

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Safe area of mobile device (status bar and nav bar)
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Preface: So far I’ve only tried it on Android, but the problem is clearly common. For export to Android there's an option "Hide status bars", and it works great...

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I use a bunch of text objects in my game that use a pixel art font and it is blurry, I know that putting it on high fullscreen quality would fix it but that rea...

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