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Swimming & Water Effects #4
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In this video we'll add the waves effect to the water and apply a warp effect to the player when he enters the water.

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Earthbound Style Battle Backgrounds
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I was curious if Earthbound style battle backgrounds were possible in C3 since we have no control over its rendering and it doesn't really have WebGL effects to...

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Fast forward for effects
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An interesting texture for particles, and how to get it to display the way you want, when you want it.

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Fake Bokeh
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A tutorial for Animate users to make a Bokeh effect.

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Blog Post
WebGL shader effects in Construct 2
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Construct 2 recently introduced WebGL shader effects in the beta releases, allowing for impressive native-grade visual effects. Below is an example of a 'water'...

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Blog Post
Construct's effect compositor: part 1
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One of the cool things you can do in Construct is add multiple effects to an object. For example you can add a Warp effect to distort the object, and then apply...

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Blog Post
Construct's effect compositor: part 2
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This is the second blog in a series about the code in Construct that renders effects, called the effect compositor . In case you missed it, be sure to read part...

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Blog Post
How to write effects for Construct
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In fact, I thought the exact same thing last year when I tried to make a shader. After days of figuring things out, I had finally made my own effect . I know ho...

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I'll try and explain the best I can what I'm looking to do. So say I have a white sprite, I give it the tint effect and a color '140, 176, 136'. I want to be ab...

posted 5 years ago
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Forum Topic
How do I create a snow effect?
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I would like to do a snow effect , any tips?

posted 5 years ago

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