Content tagged collision

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Detect collisions for an object circling another object
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I'm trying to figure out how to have collision for an object that is circling another object. The problem I'm having is that since I have the second object set...

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I'm new in Construct 3 and in video game progamming in general. I would know how, for example, kill an enmy with only the collision of my player sword, the sing...

posted 5 years ago
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I have multiple square sprites, and on each side of each square there's a different letter (or it could also be that there's just one type of letter for all fou...

posted 5 years ago
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Family with possible simultaneous collisions unreliable?
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I'm working on a multiplayer platform fighter kind of game, and I'm using a family for the attacks and player characters. Mostly this has worked fine. But somet...

posted 5 years ago
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I'm working on a simple game where I have my controlled sprite with 8 tile movement and walls that have the behavior set to solid. Every time my sprite gets clo...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I destroy only 1 object if overlapping?
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Hi basically I have the same question like maxrpg in this Topic . Only that it doesn't work for me. And the difference maybe, that I have an Enemy-Family. So if...

posted 5 years ago
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test overlap solid with offset?
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Instances have a tesOverlap(wi) and testOverlapSolid() would it be possible to include these same functions with an overload for offset? As of now the way to ac...

posted 5 years ago
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Collision Issue Solved
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This is a noobie mistake, but it may help someone. My collisions with objects were becoming way off center. I wasn't sure how to fix it. After about 10 minutes...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I detect the angle of a collision?
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I'm trying to tell whether a sprite is colliding with another sprite from the top, left, right or bottom. I thought I could it with a combination of the angle o...

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How do I destroy only one sprite instead of all of them?
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In my project, I've created an entity that creates an object, it's like an enemy. There's more than one entity in the layout that creates this objects, but when...