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Semi-Procedural Music for your Game
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When I talk about Semi-Procedural Music, I mean arrangements that are composed by a person, manually, not by a computer, but played randomly. For instance: You...

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How to Pause and Resume Music in Your Game
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So you have made your game and set up everything right? You also have added a theme music to make it interesting. Now you probably want to make a pause menu or...

9 years ago
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Music Player MP3
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Sorry this tutorial is first publish by (KTML5) all I done is repeated So many time person say I have attempt to load MP3 files and found I can load files but c...

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Hello and welcome, the purpose of this tutorial is to help those who want to use multiple soms on the same project and find difficulties, the fact that an audio...

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As this is a beginner's guide. I will using basic knowledge for this Tutorial. So let's get started. First we need to start our project. Then we must enable aud...

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Randomized Sound Effects & Music
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Every discussion of game audio invariably touches on the essential concept of repetition. And depending on the specifics of the topic, repeated sounds can be vi...

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On both technical and artists fronts, game audio composers and sound designers strive to create a seamless sonic experience for players. When a player makes a c...

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Construct(ing) Adaptive Music
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Adaptive music is a technique (or rather a family of techniques) that can be used to vary a game soundtrack over time. Starting in the early 2000s with the Micr...

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Construct Time #0 : Audio analyser example
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Example file publicly available (for free, for everyone) on my Patreon: This example was requested to me by toto_e, a fellow Construct user, and was inspired by...

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In This Tutorial ( File Attached ) You will Learn how to Record a Video and Play your Progress During Game - take snapshot and make an avatar every thing in run...

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