View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.

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Android exports: display target Android version/API level in options dialog
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File System: 'On any file operation complete/error' triggers; FileTag expression
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Cryptography: 'any' triggers for hashing and encryption/decryption; Tag expression
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NW.js: 'On any binary file read/written' triggers; FileTag expression
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New examples 'Elemental conveyors', 'License test', 'Rhythm square', 'Test your might'
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Data editor: allow empty string in rename dialog to revert to default row/column name
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AJAX: 'Set with credentials' action
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New example 'Text icons to HTML'
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New examples 'Icons in text' and 'Internationalization'
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Sprite: 'Tag' property for animation frames
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Sprite: 'AnimationFrameTag' expression; 'Compare frame tag' condition
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Text: new 'iconoffsety' BBcode tag
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Text: allow using percentage sizes for offset BBcode tags
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Text: add 'Update HTML' action; 'AsHTML' expression
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Date plugin: new localization expressions 'FormatDateWithStyles', 'FormatDateWithComponents'
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New example 'BBcode tag ranges'
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Text/SpriteFont: 'Has tag at position' condition, 'TagAtPosition' expression
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Add 5 new example projects
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Text/SpriteFont: expressions to get size and position of tags by index and tag count
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Project properties: 'UID numbering' property, allowing a new 'Random' UID numbering mode
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Animations editor: support cut/copy/paste between different browser tabs
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QR code plugin: add support for hierarchies
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NW.js export: add support for Apple Silicon architecture (macOS ARM)
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3D shape: expressions to retrieve image point positions in 3D for each face
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Sprite: ImagePointZ expression, taking in to account 3D mesh distortion
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New examples 'Text editor', 'Exfiltration', 'Portals', 'Volcano jumper'
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Properties bar: allow showing common family instance variables, behavior and effect properties when multi-selecting instances from different object types
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WebGPU now supported for web, arcade, NW.js and Windows WebView2 exporters
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Add anisotropic filtering modes 8x and 16x
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AJAX: add LastStatusCode expression
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New examples 'Complex terrain', 'Graphing calculator', 'High-tech vision'
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Add 'Copy' button to 'Hashing' example project
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Mobile advert: new 'Reload' option to create a new banner with different settings from previous ones
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Binary Data: add actions and triggers for data compression
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Binary Data: add 'GetAllText' expression
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New examples 'Compression', 'Encryption', 'Hashing'
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New examples 'Beholder fortress', 'HTML dialog', 'QR code maker'
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Experimental setting to enable WebGPU in editor (for testing purposes only)