Building a Huge Library of Free Images for Everyone

From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Happy Holidays Everyone!

    Brand new seamless texture images are ready on my TXR - Ground - Artistic page. All of my seamless images are 2048 by 2048 pixels so be sure to download the full-resolution versions. To do so, simply left click on the thumbnail to open to full version, then right-click and choose "save image as."


    If you happen to be using my free MP3 music tracks, make sure to check out my higher-quality Ogg music packs. The packs enable you to download all of my tracks at once from various genres...a huge time-saver.

    Enjoy and keep being creative! :-)

  • Greetings Creatives!

    Brand new seamless texture images are ready on these pages on my site:

    Abstract - Artistic - Tile-able

    Brick - Artistic - Tile-able

    As always, they are 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other images and music tracks.

    So enjoy...stay safe...and keep creating cool stuff!

  • Hi Everyone,

    I've created and uploaded some new textures on this page:

    GROUND - Artistic - Tile-able

    You can access them (as well as my other pages full of textures) from here:


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  • Greetings Everyone! turned 10-years-old this past's hard to believe. I want to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out and been so encouraging, supportive and appreciative. I sincerely hope that some of my assets have been (and continue to be) helpful in your awesome creations!

    Speaking of which...

    Brand new seamless texture images are ready on my Wood - (Tile-able) page. As always, they are 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other images.

    Access to my images, as always, is here:


    For those of you who have been using my free MP3 music tracks and want even richer sounding tracks, Ogg versions of most of my tracks are available as individual downloads that you can easily search for. Here's info about that:

    And complete music packs containing all of my tracks from various genres are here:

    Enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative! :-)

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